

透過 影像裝置/ 檔案/ 行為展演等跨域媒材,探討影像物質性與精神感知的各種可能。

2021年起連續兩年受邀至西班牙國際實驗攝影節展出(Experimental Photo Festival),該節每年來自三十多國、超過三百位藝術家參與。為亞洲首位受邀策展藝術家(Invited Curator&Artist),以裝置在展場自動溶解照片,探討記憶與現實邊界,廣受好評。





個展 Solo Exhibitions

2024 老鷹的眼淚:劉冠妏個展,高雄市立美術館,高雄,台灣
2023 巫師歸來:劉冠妏個展,未命名WMM,台北,台灣
2020 彼時:劉冠妏個展,Homey’s Cafe,台北,台灣

演出 Performances

2024 台北文學季- 文學騷動夜(影像設計),華山 1914 園區,台北,台灣
2023 Contact高雄連線 2023 (影像設計,現場行為),高美館,高雄,台灣
2023 很久以前,你是我說過話的一隻鳥(現場行為),未命名WMM,台北,台灣
2021  Contact高雄連線 階段呈現(導演,影像設計),衛武營繪景工廠,高雄,台灣

策展 Curated Exhibitions

2021  Our Wet Memories ,Experimental Photo Festival,IFEC,巴賽隆納,西班牙

聯展 Group Exhibitions

2023 SCATTER PIECE,未命名WMM,台北,台灣
2023 沒有共識而有共鳴-未命名WMM聯展,182artspace,台南,台灣
2022 /ˈärˌkīv/ anth(r)opogeny in contemporary photography,IFEC,巴賽隆納,西班牙
2022 未命名文件,未命名WMM,台北,台灣
2022 Rollo—台灣.以色列藝術交流展,衛武營國家藝術中心,台灣
2020 溝仔尾群像,花蓮城市空間藝術節,花蓮文創園區,花蓮,台灣
2020 台北潮濕,田園城市風格書店,台北,台灣

計畫補助 Project Subsidies

2023 高美館-高雄實驗場個展補助
2022 衛武營&文化部- 台灣以色列藝術交流展
2021  衛武營-高雄雄厲害 獲選補助(計劃主理人,導演,影像設計)

刊物 Publications

2021 Aeonian 實驗攝影雜誌,7月號,全球發行
2021 散文<小紅>,主編精選,刊於中華副刊
2022 散文<生日>、<告別>、<少女養成記>,刊於中華副刊


廣告資深創意/文案指導  Freelancer Copy Director

廣告獎 Advertising Award
2021 4A廣告獎 最佳數位內容文案創意獎 佳作
2018 上海國際廣告獎 內容行銷類銀獎
2017 英國The Drum評選亞太最佳創意
2017 時報華文金像獎 影片類銀獎
2017 時報華文金像獎 影片類銅獎
2017 The Work 國際廣告年鑑入選
2016 時報亞太廣告獎 公益類(Public Interest)銀獎
2016 時報華文金像獎 創新營銷類銀獎
2016 時報華文金像獎 金手指網路獎 病毒行銷銀獎
2016 時報華文金像獎 金手指網路獎 公益項銅獎
2016 時報華文金像獎 影片類佳作
2015 AD Stars 釜山國際廣告獎Final List
2014 龍璽創意獎 攏合廣告金獎
2014 龍璽創意獎 最佳攏合文案
2014 金手指 年度最佳網路廣告獎
2014 AD Stars 釜山國際廣告獎Final List
2013 4A廣告獎 最佳網路創意 銀獎
2013 4A廣告獎 最佳病毒創意 金獎
2013 時報華文 網路廣告影音類 銀獎

廣告客戶 Advertising Clients (2013-2023)
麥當勞/全聯福利中心/多喝水/中華三菱/賓士/BarBEER/CITY CAFE/帝亞吉歐/保樂力加/惠氏/Samsung...and more.



Nanako LIU, born in Kaohsiung in 1990,
engages in art creation through the approach of 'SupernaturalSketch.'
Navigating the spaces between reality and surrealism,
she employs various interdisciplinary media,
including visual installations, archives, and performative acts,
exploring diverse avenues within the realms of visual representation and the corporeal essence.
This involves delving into the intricate interplay of materiality and spiritual perception.

Since 2021, she has been continuously invited to exhibit at the International Festival on Experimental Photography in Barcelona. This festival, which sees participation from over thirty countries and features more than three hundred artists annually, has acclaimed her work. As the first Asian invited curator and artist, she presented an installation at the exhibition that involved the automatic dissolution of photographs, exploring the boundaries between memory and reality.

In 2021, she received creative support from the National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts (Weiwuying), and in 2022, she was selected as one of the representatives for Taiwan and Israel in an art exchange program by the Ministry of Culture and Weiwuying. Using Hebrew from the Bible as a guide, she created a hand-drawn film titled "There" to delve into the mysteries of photography and light.

In 2022, she received a tribal name from a Paiwan spiritual medium and embarked on a creative journey at a Colombian tribe's residence. There, she immersed herself in the local shamanic traditions of plant knowledge and dance rituals, developing a distinctive approach to visual creation known as 'SupernaturalSketch’ This method proposes a reinterpretation of the world through the lens of the visual itself.

In 2023, she obtained the first collaborative support from both The Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts (KMFA)and Weiwuying, leading to a solo exhibition at KMFA that integrated interdisciplinary elements such as imagery, dance, and sound in the creation titled "Eagle Tears"

2023 Eagle Tears:Nanako LIU solo exhibition,KAOHSIUNG MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS (KMFA),Kaosiung,Taiwan
2023 Back To My Root:Nanako LIU solo exhibition,WEI MING MING,Taipei,Taiwan
2023 Consensus? No; Resonance? Yes. - WEI MING MING,182artspace,Tainan,Taiwan
2022 /ˈärˌkīv/ anth(r)opogeny in contemporary photography , IEFC,Barcelona,Spain
2022 An Untitled Document,WEI MING MING,Taipei,Taiwan
2022 Rollo(The Rolling Art Project),Israel,Taiwan
2021  Our Wet Memories,International Festival of Experimental Photography (EXP.21),Barcelona,Spain
2020 Kau-á-bué Faces,Hualien Performing Public Space Festival,Hualien,Taiwan
2020 Wet Memory,Gardencity bookstore,Taipei,Taiwan
2020 As Times Goes by,Homey’s Cafe,Taipei,Taiwan

Featured in
2021 Aeonian Magazine: Experimetal Photography , July No.5,  global publication

2023 supported by The Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts (KMFA)
2021 Creation research supported by National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts (Weiwuying)